Controller of Examinations

Ever since the College became autonomous on 11.09.2004, the Office of the Controller of Examinations started functioning. In Rajah Serfoji Government College evaluation is both formative and summative. The former which known as the Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) has the key components like Mid-Semester and End-Semester Tests. These tests are also centrally organized by the Controller's office. The other CIA components taken care of by the teachers handling the subjects comprise Assignments, Seminars, Group Discussion, etc.

The summative examinations are conducted at the end of the semester after the publication of the CIA marks. The passing minimum for UG is 40% and for PG is 50% in aggregate, adding both the CIA marks and External Semester Examination marks. Centralised evaluation is conducted for all the semester examinations.

Office of the Controller of Examinations maintains a student portal to apply for examinations, to know the result and to print the provisional mark statement on the day of result itself ( and, developed a staff portal to upload all the internal assessment marks virtually (

The Office of the Controller of Examinations gives top priority to the welfare of students. All genuine requests of students are promptly attended to


Dr.P.Jayakumar,M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed, PGDCA, Ph.D.,

Controller of Examinations

Associate Professor & H.O.D of Economics


Dr.N.Rajesh M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Deputy Controller of Examinations

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

S.No Controller of Examinations Period
1 Dr.P.Jayakumar,M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed, PGDCA, Ph.D.,
Department of Economics
From 26.02.2023 onwards
2 Dr.V.Pugazhenthi,M.Com.,M.B.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,PGIM,PGDPM.
Department of Commerce
From 26.02.2020 to 25-02-2023
3 Dr.N.Rajesh,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
(In-Charge) Department Of Mathematics
24-01-2020 to 25-02-2020
4 Dr.D.Rosi,M.A., M.Phil.,B.Ed.,Ph.D.,
Department Of Tamil
25-07-2018 to 23-01-2020
5 Dr.N.Rajesh,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
(In-Charge) Department Of Mathematics
11-05-2018 to 24-07-2018
6 Dr.T.Arivudai Nambi,M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Ed.,PGDCA.,Ph.D.,
Department Of Physics
06-06-2016 to 10-05-2018
7 Mr.S.Ramesh, M.Sc., M.Phil.,
Department Of Physics
06-06-2013 to 05-06-2016
8 Dr.N.Rajaraman,M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Department Of Physics
06-06-2011 to 05-06-2013
9 Mr.S.Ramesh, M.Sc., M.Phil.,
(In-Charge) ,Department Of Physics
01-06-2011 to 05-06-2011
10 Mr.G.Shanmugam, M.Sc., M.Phil.,
Department Of Chemistry
19-1-2009 to 31-05-2011
11 Dr.G.Sridharan,M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
(In-Charge),Department Of Zoology
20-07-2008 to 18-1-2009
12 Mr.S.Jayabaskaran Charles, M.A., M.Phil.,
Department Of English
01-02-2006 to 19-07-2008
13 Mr.S.Thirunavukkarasu M.Com., M.Phil.,
(In-Charge), Department Of Commerce
01-08-2005 to 31-01-2006
14 Mr.S.Jayabaskaran Charles, M.A., M.Phil.,
Department Of English
01-02-2005 to 31-07-2005